FOT news: The 2024/25 Call for Research Fellowships on Colorectal Cancer opens.

Research grants announcement exercise 2023/2024


Announcement requirements

These fellowships consist in financial support for researchers with a doctoral degree to carry out research in the field of colorectal cancer in an accredited Centre in Catalonia and/or in Spain.

All researchers who form part of Research Groups established within the territory specified in Point 1 of the Rules and requirements are eligible, except only for those applicants who have received grants from the FOT in the last two editions.

Two scholarships will be awarded, which will be called the JOSEP BOMBARDÓ NAVINÉS SCHOLARSHIP and the DIONIS TORRES SEGURA SCHOLARSHIP, respectively, in memory of the former, who was the president and great promoter of the Foundation, and the latter, the founder.

JOSEP BOMBARDÓ NAVINÉS Grant – Aimed at consolidated researchers.

Researchers with more than two years in possession of a doctoral degree may apply. Specifically, they must have obtained it before 1 July 2013.

DIONIS TORRES SEGURA Grant – Aimed at emerging researchers.

Researchers with less than ten years in possession of a doctoral degree are eligible to apply. Specifically, they must have obtained it after 30 June 2013.

The periods of maternity leave or leave that are accredited in the application are not included in the count of ten years.

When submitting the application, the applicant must indicate which scholarship he/she is applying for.

The amount for each grant is €60,000.00 which will be distributed over two years.

There will be 8 consecutive quarterly payments of €7,500.00 each, upon submission of a quarterly research progress report which must obtain the approval of the internal committee appointed by the FOT to monitor the Project. Payment will be made directly to the Center where the research is carried out, via donation.

The applicants who will receive the grant must agree to the following:

a. To submit to the Foundation a quarterly report on the progress of the research for which the grant was given, specifying the milestones that have been achieved. And a final report on the conclusions of the research, together with an executive summary.

b. To publish the results of the research, naming the FOT as a source of finance.

c. To submit an abstract of the published articles, with authorisation for the FOT to reproduce them in the media that it uses. In case of articles published in scientific magazines a link to the original should be provided.

d. To provide the FOT with due information and to give it due recognition and a share in the relevant rights in case the research results give rise to commercial profits.

e. To participate in the scientific conferences or events as required by the FOT to present the research results.

f. Acceptance of the aid will imply that participants know and accept the framework defined by the legal and ethical regulations in force, among others, those that are related to experimentation with humans, use of samples and human data, animal experimentation and respect for safety and the environment.

At the same time they undertake to develop their work within the framework defined by the European Code of Good Scientific Practices.

g. Acceptance of the regulations on Data Protection established by the Foundation

Privacy policy

The application will be formalised by completing the form enclosed below these rules, and which must be signed and sent by email to the Foundation’s address: info@fundacioolgatorres.orgenclosing scanned files of the following documentation:

a. Spanish national ID card, residence permit or passport.

b. Curriculum vitae

c. Doctoral degree or official transcript of records where the attainment of the degree is specified therein.

d. Research proposal, written in English and signed by the applicant.

e. Written signed by the Head of the Center in which the research is to be undertaken, committing himself to host the project in case the latter obtains the scholarship.

f. History of the research group in which the researcher of the last five years is integrated, with explicit mention to current projects related to the research work.

g. Cover letters or letters of recommendation, if any.

The deadline to submit applications is on 30 June 2023.

An investigation committee will be appointed by the Foundation to take charge of the process by using the following criteria:

In the evaluation of the projects, the quality of the project will be considered in 40%, the applicant’s curriculum in 30% and the group’s history in relation to the subject of the call in 30% according to the assessment made by the commission of research from submitted documentation.

When assessing the quality of the project, the clinical application or its exploitation in the form of patents will be taken into account, as well as the role of bioinformatics and the optimization of high-performance technologies.

In applications for emergings resarchers, it will be taken into consideration whether the candidate proposes his or her own line of research or an unpublished field.

The resolution will take place in October and the result will be made public through the Foundation website and notification sent by email to participants The position obtained will be indicated to the participants who have been classified in the top five places of each scholarship. Under no circumstances will individual information of the opinions issued by the members of the jury be provided. The award will take effect within the same annuity.

The submission of an application implies express agreement of the candidate with the criteria and decisions made by the FOT in the event that any doubts arise as to the interpretation of the requirements and the terms and conditions set forth in these rules and requirements.

Sant Quirze del Vallès, 30 March 2023.